Puppet Camp OUT
From 2000-2005, Puppet Camp OUT brought together GLBTQA youth, ages 13-19, to learn, dialogue, workshop and create performances using puppets, poetry, music and masks. These performances were then toured around the Twin Cities. Guest artists included Beth Peterson, Alejandro Aguilera Duarte, Arwen Wilder, Patrick Scully and Djola Branner. Bart Buch and Amy Ballestad we re the Lead Artists for Puppet Camp OUT.
In 2021 as a program of hinterlands puppet company, Puppet Camp OUT was resurrected as an intergenerational art program for LGBTQA youth and elders to share their stories, study different forms of puppetry and workshop short puppet performances based on their stories. We are hoping Puppet Camp OUT will continue in 2022. Stay tuned and check out hinterlands.com for more information.